Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Walk the Line trailer

Here it is, the trailer for the Johnny Cash bipoic Walk the Line starring the superb talents of Joaquin Phoenix as the Cash himself. Unfortunately, as it seems to be going nowadays since I’ve rebuilt my PC, any streaming video ...

Lord of War trailer

It’s pretty fair to say that Andrew Niccol never got back to the stars that was The Truman Show or Gattaca. His latest movies have been much more schmooze and much less beef. (There’s a lot of meat references getting ...

The Movie Blog Turns 2

Greetings folks. John here. This announcement is a little late in coming, but better late never. On Sunday July 24, The Movie Blog turned 2 years old. Two years! Wow. When I wrote that first post about the marketing for ...

Stealth Reviews

I just know Stealth is going to suck and suck hard. Still check in on Monday morning for the Video Edition to see our review of it. Yeah I know it’s got Jamie Foxx in it… but I don’t care ...

Sky High Reviews

Right from the begining, Sky High sorta looked to me like a mix between Harry Potter and The Incredibles. Now, just one day away from it’s official release, it still looks like that to me… but only now it looks ...