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Mel Gibson – Apocalypto

Mel Gibson has had success in diversity as very few in Hollywood ever had. From the religious themed “The Passion of the Christ“, which shut everyone up pretty damn good when they said it was a stupid idea taking in ...

The Hitcher is cast

Wow, I never heard any peeps on this one, but the oh-my-god-not-another-remake-of-a-classic-that-doesn’t-need-a-remake remake The Hitcher has cast its Hitcher and person in distress role. Julian McMahon has been cast in the Rutger Hauer role in the upcoming Michael Bay produced ...

Bond final auditions

The rumours are that the final auditions for Bond could be this week. According to Moviehole through Cinematical, Martin Campbell is in London this coming week for that very fact. The Telegraph reported that the pool of candidates has been ...

Scotty remembered

I saw these two stories and really felt they needed a seperate post. Actor James Doohan is going to be remembered in two very unique ways, one slightly higher and grander than the other. Firstly the Scottish town of Linlithgow ...