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Saw 2 Trailer

Personally I enjoyed Saw. No, it wasn’t in the same league as say… Se7ven, or Silence of the Lambs, but or what it was I was entertained to some degree (even if the acting was a bit hammy in places… ...

X-Men 3 casts Angel

Good choice or not, I’m really not sure on this one. Perhaps surprising considering some of the roles he’s already played. Comic Book Movie has the news that Ben Foster from the recent Hostage movie is set to play Angel: ...

Cry Wolf trailer

I’m sure we’ve all had enough of teen slashers by now, so how well the movie Cry Wolf is going to do will be solely based around the premise that the rumour mongerers at school actually create this killer through ...

Rush Hour 3 recasting?

Looks like Rush Hour 3 is still on and without the great and might (sarcasm included) Chris Tucker. Thanks to Chris (not Tucker) for the link to Moviehole who are saying: …according to Jackie Chan, speaking at a press conference ...