Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Hollywood’s Weirdest Casts

The good folks over at FlmForce have posted up a really neat little article on Hollywood’s Weirdest Casts”. It’s basically a rundown of a whole bunch of films that have casts that you never would have though about putting together ...

Fantastic Four Reviews

Fantastic Four reviews are coming in hot an heavy… and OH MY GOODNESS is the movie getting slammed! No really folks… I haven’t seen initial negative reviews like this since the car wreck known as Electra. I think we all ...

Directors favourite films

Want to know what some of the influencial (and not so influencial) names in film making think are their top movies are? Well the Independent online newspaper through Cinematical has a story highlighting the film-makers top tens included in John ...

Sky High Pictures

When I first heard about Sky High, my eyes rolled. The concept sounded quite dumb. A bad mix between Harry Potter and The Incredibles. However, I’ve gotta to admit that the cast looks just amazing and after seeing the trailer… ...