Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Showgirls 2

I’m almost frightened to believe that this is true, but apparently it is. According to Twitch there is a big movement for Showgirls 2…the sequel that is, not some strange attempt at an innuendo, much like the majority of the ...

King Kong Trailer Online

You know, I’ve gotta admit I have my doubts about King Kong being any good… even with Peter Jackson directing it. Can a concept so hookey actually play out well in today’s culture? Well, I’ve just watched the trailer for ...

The Bourne Ultimatum

I mildly enjoyed The Bourne Identity, and also enjoyed The Bourne Ultimatum (although I didn’t really thing either were great films). Matt Damon has both a fantastic charm and intensity when he needs them both on screen and he was ...

Don’t Look Now remake

ARGGHHH! More remakes of perfectly good films, in fact way more than perfectly good, I mean excellent. MovieWeb is talking about the remake of the superb Don’t Look Now: According to The Hollywood Reporter, Mark Gordon is planning to produce ...

Max Payne movie

The videogame Max Payne is a superbly visual and immersive game, as you play you just feel you’re in a modern day film noir movie, and therefore it’s just perfect for a movie adaptation. That’s exactly what 20th Century Fox ...