David Duchovny and Ben Stiller are set to star in the new project “The TV Set”. Ya ya I know… a lot of people hate Ben Stiller. I still really like his stuff though. Yes he’s done some REALLY bad ...
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King Kong is getting closer and news of the first showing of it’s 2 minute and 30 second trailer is now coming out. Apparently NBC and all of it’s sub stations (including CNBC) are going to simultaneously broadcast the trailer ...
So the big premise of 24 over anything else is that it’s in real time. That’s the sellable hook of the whole premise, that’s how it works, that’s why we have an hour an episode, and we hang on every ...
Let’s face it, there really are only two Batman movies, Batman and Batman Begins, the rest were, well rubbish. So is it really exciting news to hear that there will be a big boxset released with all the Batman movies ...
He hasn’t said that much, but from Entertainment Weekly through Comic Book Movie he tries to be as cryptic as possible. The question is, can you decipher it? EW: …the Oscar nominee will play an undisclosed, top secret villain in ...
I’d forgotten totally about this movie, in the current age of hype until you’ve shown every inch of a film and the media is saturated with it, all had gone quiet and my focus had been taken elsewhere. Geek Roar ...
Over at Eurogamer they’ve got some more information on The Movies Game. “As we’re trying to make a game that appeals to everyone, we have to be careful so that we remain within our targeted age rating,” says Lionhead. “We’re ...
The guys over at Cinematical have some strong views on Brett Ratner directing X-Men 3. So much so that they’ve started an online petition at the site by the same name, to try and convince 20th Century Fox to delay ...
I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I remember the first ten arduous minutes on that preview, and how the mumblings and revalations of the puzzle solving of the character played by Nicolas Cage was just awful and completely insane. ...
Some old books have been found in vaults of the legendary Steve McQueen which contain notes and storyboarding for a film that was never completed. From Coming Soon: Warner Bros. Pictures and producer David Heyman have set Paul Scheuring to ...
I’ve just watched the trailer for the Terry Gilliam directed The Brothers Grimm and it looks fantastic. Funny, big, beautiful, and very interesting indeed. Before I saw this my interest wasn’t that high, but now, I’m dying to see it. ...
More mindless vampire action in a new script which remakes the classic The Lost Boys but with girls. Oh, I forgot one thing, instead of a gang of juvenile delinquents, they are cheerleaders. DONK! That was the sound of my ...