Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

National Treasure 2

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I remember the first ten arduous minutes on that preview, and how the mumblings and revalations of the puzzle solving of the character played by Nicolas Cage was just awful and completely insane. ...

The Brothers Grimm trailer

I’ve just watched the trailer for the Terry Gilliam directed The Brothers Grimm and it looks fantastic. Funny, big, beautiful, and very interesting indeed. Before I saw this my interest wasn’t that high, but now, I’m dying to see it. ...

Murderball trailer

Checking out the Apple trailers I came across this one for a movie called Murderball. From IMDB: A film about athletes who play full-contact rugby in Mad Max-style wheelchairs – overcoming unimaginable obstacles to compete in the Paralympic Games in ...

Saw 2 Synopsis

Although not universally praised or considered the instant classic that it looked like it could have been, Saw was still a mildly entertaining film (in my opinion) that carried it’s fair share of “Freaked the Hell out of me” moments. ...