Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Doom on-set details

We could well be eating our printed out concerns over the Doom movie, as the filming has now ended and some positive words are beginning to come out. From Dark Horizons through Film Rot: There’s nothing soft or watered-down about ...

X-Men 3 Director rumours

The rumour machine is working overtime just now on the X-Men 3 Director replacement. Just as Matthew Vaughn stepped off the jet and onto British soil once again the Directors were being banded around. Before we go on, here’s a ...

Batman sequels in doubt?

Apparently, despite all the talk and continued hype surrounding new Batman sequels, it’s all studio driven and that’s a bad thing. Remember back to the first Batman and when the studio took over and replaced Directors and Actors along the ...