Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Avi Arad talks about X-Men 3

We’ve talked about the sales technique of Avi Arad already, and it’s not great. Perhaps on a shopping channel somewhere, but not in the movie industry pitching big projects to their potential audience. However in this case he is good ...

Hellboy 2 to start filming

Hellboy rocked and I say that without any apology. Great fun movie, big actors, big story, big explosions, big chilli. Fab. So what happened to the sequel that has been talked about for a very, very long time? We’ve heard ...

Batman Begins gets PG13 Rating

Well this should make everyone happy! The upcoming Batman Begins has just received a PG13 rating for ” intense action violence, disturbing images and some thematic elements.” This basically translates into what we were expecting anyway… that Chris Nolan didn’t ...

Spawn 2 in development

Is there an appetite for a follow up to Spawn? The creator Todd McFarlane certainly thinks so in an interview with UGO through Moviehole: McFarlane says the new movie will be about as close to the first one – which ...

Saw 2 gets a Director

Still not rested from the 5am stint to get the MovieBlog back, but you know what they say “I’ll get all the sleep I need when I’m dead”…which movie? Anyway, let’s get onto some news. You’ll remember that we’ve talked ...