There’s a lot of ill feelings floating around the net these days about the upcoming Fantastic Four flick. Many people are worried this whole project is going to turn out to be a horrible mistake. they may well be right. ...
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I’ve talked about censorship before and it’s managed to take me off on a rant or two, especially when it’s where a third party censors someone else’s creativity believing that they are doing the right thing and that their view ...
I’ve enjoyed the first 2 Blade films. Each one had it’s glaring weaknesses, but overall each delivered a decently entertaining film. My expectations for Blade Trinity where no more and no less. As it turned out… LESS was the key ...
Is this story from Ananova too much to hope for? The stars of Lord Of The Rings have given director Peter Jackson a promise they’ll return for The Hobbit if he is prepared to make it. Oh, that would be ...
Thanks to Hector we have just looked at the very cool International poster for Batman Begins. Looks very dark and moody, and makes you think of the bat cave of legend from the comic books, very nice indeed. Check out ...
Another big surprise today, well not really I knew it was coming, but the surprise was really in the lack of content and the shattering of an illusion. The Spielberg (The Director with no first name) remake that is The ...
Great news! Remember that fantastic TV show The man from U.N.C.L.E. and the related shows? Well I was leaving the house yesterday for the first work Xmas party, and I just saw a glimpse of Robert Vaughn and David McCallum ...
As studio’s do, there will be two sport coaching movies in development at the same time. One is starring the great Alec Baldwin by… …playing the coach of a basketball team in Street for upcoming director Michael Shapiro. The story ...
Nicole Kidman has turned away from the remake of The Producers citing the time that would be required to learn all the song and dance routines in her hectic schedule. The BBC say: Her reps say she simply wouldn’t have ...
Mark Whalberg is branching into the realms of Michael Moore with his next venture. According to the Guardian, he will be venturing into the land of documentary making, touching on the US Judicial system. They say he is… …planning a ...
The new format DVD battle continues with news that Disney have just aligned themselves with Sony’s Blu-Ray format. The Guardian states that Disney have claimed the following reasons: …because Blu-ray offers higher quality and was backed by most consumer electronics ...
Hey folks, John here. I love getting these kinds of emails. Darko from Belgium wrote me with a bit of a quiz. He needs to know what 3 movies these pictures come from. Any of you want to take a ...