Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Fat Albert Trailer

You ever hear about a movie that’s coming out and you REALLY REALLY REALLY want it to be good but you’ve got a sinking feeling in your stomach that it’s just going to be horrible? Well, Fat Albert is one ...

A New Look at Anakin

AICN posted a new picture of Anakin Skywalker. Even they admit they’re not exactly sure where the picture came from, or the degree of it’s authenticity, but I think it looks great. I love the style. No matter what you ...

Five Fingers

So what do you do when the biggest success of your career, The Matrix, is now over? Produce your own movie I guess. That’s exactly what Laurence Fishburne has decided to do. He’s going to produce and star along side ...