Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Cellular Reviews

Remember back in the day when Kim Basinger was THE actress? Everything she touched was as hot as my ass (what can I say, I have a really nice ass. Oh wait…. that’s someone else’s ass I’m thinking of. Never ...

Hulk 2

I know I know I know… I’m one of the fe people who really enjoyed Hulk. It took a different approach to a comic movie than most. It focused more on the people than the hero. It was more about ...

Aquaman The Movie

If you’ve been reading The Movie Blog for any period of time, you probably know that I love my comic book movies (except Catwoman). Heck, I even enjoyed The Punisher and Daredevil (GASP!). So, you’d think I’d be excited to ...

A Thought About Bubba

Several months ago when I invited Bubba to join us on The Movie Blog, I had no idea of the impact he would have on our little site. His expertise on Asian film in particular gave the site a new ...

X-Men 3 in Limbo

Like most of you, I’ve been hearing a lot of conflicting reports about the status of X-Men 3. Some people say it’s already in the works and some people say Director Brian Singer is off the project because of his ...

Toy Story 3?

“There’s movement on a “Toy Story 3″. The troops behind the ‘Buzz Lightyear’ show know a bit about it, pointing out that it’ll happening at a different camp and that it is in the planning stages (pre-production?) and definitely theatrical. ...

John Reviews Vanity Fair

The Internet Movie Database describes Vanity Fair this way: “Growing up poor in London, Becky Sharp (Witherspoon) defies her poverty-stricken background and ascends the social ladder alongside her best friend, Amelia.” While too simplistic, this description is fairly accurate. As ...