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Pulp Fiction 2?

Pulp Fiction, the Prequel? John Travolta, who played hit man Vincent Vega in director Quentin Tarantino’s blood-drenched 1994 film, said Tarantino has been considering another episode of the drama. “Every six months he calls me to talk about a project ...

“Clerks” the Animated Movie

Gotta love Kevin Smith. There’s nothing he’s affraid to explore… even if it could be a disaster. The animated news reports the following: At his View Askew website, Kevin Smith reveals that in addition to the live-action Clerks sequel, an ...

Wicker Park Reviews

And the award for most wasted potential goes to… Josh Hartnett. Starring in the new Wicker Park, Hartnett looked like he was heading in the right direction following Pearl Harbor, a film in which he was the only real bright ...

Vanity Fair Reviews

It’s been a while since a good period piece has come out. Enter Vanity Fair. Reese Witherspoon has come a long way since Pleasantville and is shaping into a force to be reckoned with. So far the early reviews are ...