Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Superman News

The Superman Home Page reports: This is not confirmed, but various sources and information shared between myself and the guys running www.Superman-V.com lead us to believe that M. Night Shyamalan is writing and directing this new Superman movie. I am ...

Touch of Prinze

I give you tidbits on the Touch of Prinze – Actors who starred alongside Freddie Prinze Jr. He seemed to be the king of teen romance/comedy movies and many raved that he was on the brink of hitting it big. ...

Hidden Gem Report

My suggested Hidden Gem today is to pay tribute to the Late John Ritter. Likely one of the best films John appeared in. The film is called Noises Off (1992) and is one of my favourite comedies in my vast ...