“Running with Beto,” the HBO documentary that will air on HBO in early spring, was screened at its World Premiere at the Paramount Theater in Austin this morning (March 9) and a rapt crowd of supporters got to see Beto ...
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“Office Space,” with the log-line “Work sucks” didn’t exactly burst upon the scene back in 1999. It more-or-less sneaked up on the scene, buoyed by good word-of-mouth from all who saw it. It went on to become one of the ...
The Texas Film Awards were created by Evan Smith and Louis Black in 2001 to create a Texas Film Hall of Fame. Now in its 19th year, the Texas Film Awards bring together legends of the cinema and television and ...
So it’s been way too long since we mentioned our buddies Jay and Silent Bob on the blog. Today marks the debut of new cast members to the upcoming reboot/sequel/introduction film. I have been keeping loose tabs on the movie ...
I am still giving this YouTube stuff a shot. I recently completed and uploaded a quick little primer explaining the origins of The Skrulls and what their likely role will be in Captain Marvel. Some folks realize that the Skrulls, ...
Did you know that, in the comics, that there are more Children of Thanos unseen to the MCU. Yes, it’s true that the scene stealing ensemble from Avengers Infinity War actually has additional members. I feel like there’s potential for ...
So it’s come to our attention that the Star Trek film franchise has met its demise. I caught the headline from Forbes and I don’t feel surprised or sorry that it’s gone. I remember watching the first movie and really ...
Why oh why did this happen. Have you seen what they’ve done to Will Smith? When I heard he was playing the Genie in a live action Aladdin remake I somehow presumed that the Genie would be CGI. Why wouldn’t ...
The Avengers Endgame trailer is here so Check it out NOW! I’m not going to watch so I can record my full reaction! Look for that to be published a little later today.
The military shooter has always been a big seller. And In the 2000s, plenty of shooters added sci-fi themes to become even more exciting. In the 2000s, games like Halo and Gears of War were the top sellers. The space marine ...
R.I.P. Marvel Icon Stan Lee. News is making it across the web that the creator of Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four, Black Panther, The Avengers and more has passed. Lee, who began in the business in 1939 and created or co-created ...
Is it a safe bet making a movie about poker? Image from Wikipedia When it comes to movies, everything is a high stake gamble. One false camera angle, a misleading plot twist or a lack of character development can result ...