Star Wars has entered back into it’s prime of prequels and spin-offs ever since the announcement of a Han Solo movie earlier this summer. Fan-made trailers are also becoming a common thing as we can assume a Kenobi spin-off has ...
The new Rogue One trailer was shared with the world during the Olympics recently and we have the goods! The movie is one thats mildly on folks radar since it’s not a proper numbered entry in the Star Wars franchise ...
If there is one reason to pay $8.99 a month for a Netflix account, it is for their extensive list of TV shows. Of there TV shows, the best of the best continue to be and look like they will be of ...
I remember watching the Bad Santa movie waaaay after the theatrical release and discovering comedic platinum (fuck gold). The movie cemented Billy Bob Thorton as one of my favorite faces to see in a comedy but I was apprehensive when ...
Comics have these wonderful alternate realities in which we could explore possibilities. Marvel has “What IF?” and DC has… a hell of a lot more and to coincide with this notion is this video put together by the folks over ... It feels good to be bad… Assemble a team of the world’s most dangerous, incarcerated Super Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the government’s disposal, and send them off on a mission to defeat an enigmatic, ...
The Accountant teaser first debuted in May, and immediately the similarities between this character and Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne, appeared to all of it’s viewers. The new The Accountant trailer has arrived, as it features a anti-social, and perhaps traumatized Ben Affleck, ...
There are a few films still chasing that Hangover magic that smashed box offices with the latest film in the line of “parties out of control” being “Office Christmas Party” with Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman,Rob Corddry, Abbey Lee, T.J. Miller, Olivia ...
So Charlie Hunnam seems to have been missing from the limelight ever since Sons of Anarchy went off the air. He’s not going to be in the new Pacific Rim, He walked away from Dorian Grey, and he’s pretty much ...
There’s a new trailer for the Killing Joke making the rounds that everyone is ignoring in favor of discussing the sex scene between Batman and Batgirl that’s in the movie. I’ll get to that in a second but in the ...
San Diego Comic Con still has a lot of news trickling onto the internetz that is outright awesome. I am apprehensively optimistic about this upcoming Suicide Squad movie and we have a new trailer that was unveiled at the show ...
The Wonder Woman trailer has arrived and wow is it way better than I could have ever imagined. I always thought Wonder Woman would be good, but just regular good, not “maybe my favorite movie in the DCEU” good. Check out the ...