Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Title=Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Score=6 Summary=Darker and scarier than the rest with great effects but harshly edited and too fast paced with no time to keep up. Grint is the best young actor in the cast with the others struggling with overacting. The ending hurts the movie somewhat with it's "get out clause" which appears from nowhere and seems contrived. Not the best in the series, but so far the second strongest.
9 min read
Movie Reviews

John Reviews Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Title=Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Score=8.5 Summary=This is the first Harry Potter film that I can say I walked out of thoroughly impressed. This is a WONDERFUL film. It's not perfect, and there is still room for improvement, but you will have a great time watching it. I'm happy to recommend it.
6 min read