Movie Reviews

DVD Flashback: David Cronenberg’s The Fly

Title= The Fly (1986) Score= 8 Summary= Directed by David Cronenberg and stars Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis. This remake follows an obsessed scientist and his experiments with teleportation. After a human trial using himself as the subject, he is contaminated with alien DNA. This sends his body into many horrifying changes which transform hin into a monster.
4 min read
Movie Reviews

DVD Flashback: Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive

Title= Dead Alive Score= 9 Summary= Directed by a young Peter Jackson, Dead Alive has been voted as the goriest movie of all time. A great movie for any lover of over the top violence and horror. Zombies, brains, dismembered body parts, kidney stones and a lawn mower. This flick has it all, plus it's damn funny.
4 min read
Movie News Chat

Madagascar 2

Madagascar. The first 3D animated movie that I ever trully hated. This movie was junk from top to bottom. Horrible story, painful script, mediocre ...
2 min read