Uncut Podcast

The Audio Edition: Special Batman Begins Edition

AudioFile=http://www.themovieblog.com/audioedition/AudioEditionVol27.mp3 AudioFileSize=5439007 AudioDescription=If any of you read my review of Batman begins you already know I thought it was a fantastic film. What does Doug think about it? Well... listen and find out. We also quickly cover Mr. & Mrs. Smith, the curse of the shaking camera and a few things more.
59 second read
Movie Reviews

John Reviews Batman Begins 8/10

Title=Batman Begins Score=8 Summary=In this film, Batman is truly a dark character. Vicious, angry, fear inducing. When Bruce puts on the cowl and cape his true self comes out. This is the Batman film that Batman fans have been waiting to see.
3 min read