Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Transporter 2

Title=Transporter 2 Score=4 Summary=Statham is excellent in this under performing action film. He acts well and does some amazing stunts, and this is where the movie falls down with preposterous moments in some six or seven sequences in the movie. They are so bad that you'll groan out loud. Still, Statham is great, as is Valletta. With such a great idea as the Transporter it escapes me how they can mess it up so well. Worth catching for some of the better stunts, but as a movie, not that great.
10 min read
Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Flightplan

Title=Flightplan Score=7 Summary=Surprisingly strong and emotive script with a good few twists and a superb performance from Foster. Bean provides good support, as does Sarsgaard but nothing too memorable. Despite too much Hollywood feel near the end, it is still a good thriller which keeps the pace going and the audience on the edge of their seat. However there are a couple of embarassing and very poorly written moments.
12 min read
Movie Reviews

Richard reviews The Constant Gardener

Title=The Constant Gardener Score=6 Summary=Strong story with a great ending and a huge agenda. Unfortunately there's style overload and both the agenda and the moral ending could have been toned down slightly to make for a much better movie. It also seriously needs an injection of pace to retain the audience attention. Weisz is superb in this, with Huston firing in another superb performance as a close second. A beautiful view of Africa in some of the scenes.
9 min read
Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Initial D (Tau man chi D)

Title=Initial D on DVD Score=5 Summary=A good movie that really centres around the drift racing scenes which are superbly filmed and put together, there's also great use made of the DTS track during the racing. The extras aren't that strong and more around the cars and the racing would have been much better, and in English too.
10 min read
Movie News Chat

King Kong in 3D?

Sounds like it could be a possibility…or a rumour started to give thought to the possibility…or simply a rumour to raise company stock! Whichever, ...
2 min read