Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Jimi Hendrix: Deluxe Edition on DVD

Title=Jimi Hendrix: Deluxe Edition Score=7 Summary=A good purchase for the performances, and in particular the acoustic performance, but add the interviews and the making of featurette, and you have a classic DVD for the fan. If you're neither a fan of Hendrix or the guitar, then this is definitely not for you.
11 min read
Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Wolf Creek

Title=Wolf Creek Score=8 Summary=True horror, suspense and terror unflinchingly shown onscreen. Some rough dialogue early on can jar you out of the movie, but this has some truly terrifying moments. Natural performances, with a stunning turn from the actor playing the psychopath. The "true story" aspect really does hurt the movie and causes more problems at the end, if this had been left out the movie would have scored higher.
15 min read
Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Crash

Title=Crash Score=9 Summary=An uncompromising story, hard hitting, uncomfortable, but very meaty and enjoyable. With strong performances from a huge cast, and excellent writing, this makes for a very good movie. Watch out for some leads playing unexpected roles both excellently and not so. Well worth a watch for some thinking material and real entertainment.
13 min read
Movie News Chat

The Transporter 2

Human interest is a strange thing. For instance, I didn’t really like The Transporter all that much (I didn’t hate it… but I didn’t ...
3 min read
Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Serenity

Title=Serenity Score=9 Summary=Sharp, clever and quick dialogue between well written characters in a hugely entertaining movie with loads of action. Very true to the original series, yet a bit darker with more complexity to some of the characters.
12 min read