Top 10 Movies I Want Sequels To

There has been buzz lately about the upcoming sequels for Mission Impossible and Die Hard.  Sequels are tricky: they can make or break a ...
10 min read

The Lone Ranger: still alive?

Disney’s The Lone Ranger, set to star Johnny Depp as Tonto and Armie Hammer as the masked hero was reportedly put out to pasture just ...
3 min read

The Guv’nor Bio Pic

“The hardest man in Britain”, Lenny Mclean seen by movie fans in Guy Ritchie’s Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, where he portrayed Barry ...
2 min read

Wrath of the Titans

The sequel to one of 2010’s biggest disappointments gets a title: Wrath of the Titans.  Ever since seeing the first trailer back in 2009, ...
1 min read

‘Haywire’ Trailer Is Here

There is a bit of curiousity factor regarding ‘Haywire’, the first time in many years where a martial artist (in this case, Gina Carano) ...
5 min read