Uncut Podcast

Audio Edition – January 16th 2006

AudioFile=http://www.themovieblog.com/audioedition/AudioEditionVol96.mp3 AudioFileSize=20465528 AudioDescription=Today on the Round Table installment of The Audio Edition Doug, Darren and I discuss a new proposed pay/profit sharing structure the film studios are looking at that the actors aren't thrilled with but that I think is a wonderful idea. We also take some time to look mention some interesting films listed in Ebert and Roper's 2005 worst films list, I take a few minutes to talk about the new James Franco film "Tristan and Isolde" and Doug gives us all a lesson in the mystical Porn Druids, but leave dirty magazines in the forests for young boys to find for generations. All this and a few things more. AudioExplicit=yes AudioDuration=00:25:44
1 min read