Movie Reviews

Traitor Review

Thank you for checking out our Traitor review. The General Idea Plot Synopsis From IMDB: When strait arrow FBI agent Roy Clayton (Guy Pearce) ...
7 min read
Movie News Chat

No Heroics

I caught this trailer online for a new “Britcom” series coming out that kind of reminds me of the live action Tick show combined ...
1 min read
Movie News Chat

The Fly Opera

We have some news about David Cronenberg’s upcoming opera based on The Fly! We get the following scoop from the science caves of Yahoo: ...
2 min read
Movie Reviews

I.O.U.S.A. Review

Thanks for checking out our review of I.O.U.S.A. The General Idea Plot Synopsis From IMDB: I.O.U.S.A. explores the country’s shocking current fiscal condition and ...
4 min read