Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Flightplan

Title=Flightplan Score=7 Summary=Surprisingly strong and emotive script with a good few twists and a superb performance from Foster. Bean provides good support, as does Sarsgaard but nothing too memorable. Despite too much Hollywood feel near the end, it is still a good thriller which keeps the pace going and the audience on the edge of their seat. However there are a couple of embarassing and very poorly written moments.
12 min read
Movie Reviews

Richard reviews The Book of Cool – Part One

Title=The Book of Cool - Part One Score=9 Summary=An ingenious idea with bags of style, nine hours of content, hundreds of tricks to learn, and many experts from around the World. Great entertainment. Not only will you sit and watch this again and again, but you'll get out off your arse and practice, flicking through the book for pointers. A great present for someone who has me, and I'm loving it. The ultimate little black book...except bigger...and with three DVD's!
17 min read
Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Title=Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Score=9 Summary=Superbly written movie with Kilmer firing out a fantastic performance, even outshining Downey who is excellent, Kilmer's lines are fantastic. The use of narration is innovative and very engaging. An excellent movie that warrants a couple of viewings. Slight difficulty in hearing lines and following action early on, but it doesn't taint the movie and makes you feel like revisiting it.
11 min read
Movie News Chat

DVD Format War update

A couple of updates in the world of the DVD format war between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD today, nothing exceptionally major, but some interesting developments ...
2 min read