Uncut Podcast

Audio Edition – January 19th 2006

AudioFile=http://www.themovieblog.com/audioedition/AudioEditionVol97.mp3 AudioFileSize=17465528 AudioDescription=Today on the Audio Edition Doug and I talk a little about this year's Golden Globe Awards, the total joke that "Walk the Line" was considered a "musical", the latest news on Indaiana Jones 4, more Hulk 2 news, the taking of outside food into movie theaters, the Gwen Stacy in Spider-Man 3 news and a few things more. AudioExplicit=yes AudioDuration=00:35:44
59 second read
Uncut Podcast

Audio Edition – October 6th 2005

AudioFile=http://www.themovieblog.com/audioedition/AudioEditionVol55.mp3 AudioFileSize=5531424 AudioDescription=Today on The Audio Edition Doug and I talk about the Microsoft "Single Play DVD" hoax that thankfully ended up being just that... a hoax. We also talk a lot about how studios can move to movie downloading for the public while still maintaining Coyright protection.. .and IF they should have copyright protection at all. Spider-Man 3 and the Venom costume and a couple of things more. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:23:02
1 min read
Uncut Podcast

The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol. 21

AudioFile=http://www.themovieblog.com/audioedition/AudioEditionVol21.mp3 AudioFileSize=541112 AudioDescription=Guest: Actress/Comedian/Screenwriter Sharon Dewitt. This week we covered a lot of ground from Russell Crowe, the upcoming Sin City, the soon to be Hellboy 2, Orlando Bloom as James Bond, the film Guess Who with it's star Ashton Krutcher, the worst film of the year so far Miss Congeniality 2, the new Villain for Spider-Man
56 second read