Movie Reviews

DVD Flashback: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

Title= National Lampoon's - Christmas Vacation (1989) Score= 8 Summary= The third installment of the Vacation movies, Clark W. Griswold has fantasies of having a good old fasion family Christmas at home. He invites the whole clan to Chicago along with a few unexpected house guests (Eddie). Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo, Randy Quaid, Juliette Lewis, Doris Roberts, William Hickey and Brian Doyle-Murray give us lots of laughs making Christmas Vacation a stand out from the rest of the franchise. A must see for the Holiday season.
6 min read
Uncut Podcast

Audio Edition – October 3rd 2005

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=5601600 AudioDescription=Today, due to technical difficulties I'm flying solo. Yes that's right... the very first Audio Edition in history that Doug Nagy is not a part of. Today I cover topic such as the idea being floated by Microsoft of a Single Play Dvd (how stupid), the format wars being waged between the Blue-Ray and HD-DVD camps (how stupid); Kevin Smith getting dropped from the new Fletch film (also stupid) and the rumours going around of the exitance of an early X-Men 3 teaser trailer. All this and a few things more. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:23:20
1 min read
Movie News Chat

Jenna does Hollywood

The extremely famous porn actress, director, writer, producer and composer Jenna Jameson is set to follow the illustrious footsteps of another famous porn actress ...
2 min read