Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Batman Begins

Title=Batman Begins Score=9 Summary=A fantastically written story and wonderfully brought to the big screen. Despite the very poorly filmed action sequences the movie shows an excellent return for the Batman and turning to the true Dark Knight for its inspiration. This does for the movie series what Batman: Year One has done to the graphic novels, told the definitive story of the birth of Batman and the characters around him.
19 min read
Movie Reviews

The Aviary

Title=The Aviary Score=4 Summary=A difficult movie to associate with unless you understand the life of the Flight Attendant, but there are some interesting moments and it does get across the hard and lonely life they can face. Some weak acting and unsympathetic characters don't help the movie any.
8 min read
Movie News Chat

Saw 2 Synopsis

Although not universally praised or considered the instant classic that it looked like it could have been, Saw was still a mildly entertaining film ...
2 min read
Movie Reviews

Broken by Alex Ferrari

Title=Broken Score=8 Summary=The camera work, editing, restrained writing and likewise performances bring it all across wonderfully. With a little more on some of the actors more action performances and effects you would never have realised it wasn't a full budget Hollywood short.
7 min read
Movie Reviews

Revenge of the Sith review by Richard

Title=Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Score=8 Summary=Despite the odd cheesy moments, some poor acting and a complete disaster of a big pay off scene, the movie's actually close to the original Star Wars and doesn't feel like it came from the same stock as its prequels.
23 min read