Uncut Podcast

Audio Edition – January 6th 2006

AudioFile=http://www.themovieblog.com/audioedition/AudioEditionVol92.mp3 AudioFileSize=16465628 AudioDescription=Today on The Audio Edition Doug and I discuss the 2006 Bloggies Awards (hint hint... go vote for the Audio Edition as Top Podcast), the new Superman Returns pics and the fact that it looks like those fumours of the studios wanting to digitally REDUCE Brandon Routh's package were TRUE, Jon Stewart getting the gig and the Host of this year's Oscars, the J-Lo movie getting canned (Yay!), the new rumours of Adrian Broody playing The Joker in the upcoming Batman Begins sequel and a new proposed law that would force theaters to actually advertise when the MOVIE actually starts, rather than when the commercials start. All this and a few things more. AudioExplicit=yes AudioDuration=00:28:14
2 min read
Movie News Chat

Next Gen DVD updates

The news on the next generation of DVD’s is everywhere just now due to the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show. There’s Blu-Ray and HD-DVD announcements ...
7 min read