Uncut Podcast

Audio Edition – September 23rd 2005

AudioFile=http://www.themovieblog.com/audioedition/AudioEditionVol46.mp3 AudioFileSize=5316672 AudioDescription=Today Doug and I discuss different ideas that theaters can implement to make going to the movies more enjoyable, the fact that we, the movie going audience, are often the ones to blame for Hollywood making some really stupid movies, a tangent about the George Clooney Batman film (oh man that was sooo bad), the fact that the British Military is now for hire to movie studios (something I find really scary) and a few things more. AudioExplicit=No AudioDuration=00:22:09
1 min read
Uncut Podcast

Audio Edition Vol 33

AudioFile=http://www.themovieblog.com/audioedition/AudioEditionVol33.mp3 AudioFileSize=5123424 AudioDescription= This week on The Audio Edition, we review and discuss The Dukes of Hazzard, rant about why on earth movie studios launch official movie websites when they don't have them ready yet with any content, more Batman sequel talk, how Sony got away with nothing but a light slap on the wrist for their lying to the public with the fake movie critic... and a few things more.
1 min read
Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Fantastic Four

Title=Fantastic Four Score=7 Summary=Good light, entertainment. This is a popcorn movie and not something meaty or thoughtful. Well paced, good fun and funny. Chiklis, Evans and McMahon are great to watch. Although it's not a Batman or Spiderman, it's not as bad as it's made out.
10 min read