Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Fantastic Four

Title=Fantastic Four Score=7 Summary=Good light, entertainment. This is a popcorn movie and not something meaty or thoughtful. Well paced, good fun and funny. Chiklis, Evans and McMahon are great to watch. Although it's not a Batman or Spiderman, it's not as bad as it's made out.
10 min read
Movie Reviews

Richard reviews Batman Begins

Title=Batman Begins Score=9 Summary=A fantastically written story and wonderfully brought to the big screen. Despite the very poorly filmed action sequences the movie shows an excellent return for the Batman and turning to the true Dark Knight for its inspiration. This does for the movie series what Batman: Year One has done to the graphic novels, told the definitive story of the birth of Batman and the characters around him.
19 min read
Uncut Podcast

Audio Edition Vol. 30 with Richard Brunton

AudioFile= AudioFileSize=6245568 AudioDescription=In this Edition, we are lucky enough to be joined, via the wonders of technology, by Movie Blog writer Richard Brunton all the way from Scotland! Just a heads up, there are some technical issues and Richard cuts in and out a couple of times... but we'll get all those issues worked out for his next appearance. In this edition we talk about Keith Richards in Pirates of the Caribbean 2, THe potential of 4 vilians in Spiderman 3, the huge mistake that is Highlander 5, War of the Worlds and much more.
1 min read