AudioDescription=Today on The Audio Edition Doug and I discuss the stupidity of the Brokeback Moutain Author, the new HILARIOUS trailer for The Moglus, Peter Jacksons pre-recorded acceptance speech for The Empire Awards, some Ghost Rider trailer news, Welcome Back Kotter being re-made into a movie, Uncle Ben coming back in Spider-Man 3, an alternate idea for the origins of Venom in Spider-Man 3, the Alpha Dog trailer and a few things more.
AudioDescription=Today Doug, Darren and I discuss Spider-Man 3, the outfit and what kind of role Venom might play, The news that the studios still want Arnold for Conan the King and if that's a good or bad idea, the studios growing trend of not showing advanced screenings to critics (it's a bad sign folks), some background story to the new Superman movie and how Kevin Smith and Tim Burton got all caught up in it (it's a great story) and we also touch on why there are so few women directors in Hollywood right now. All this and a few things more.