AudioDescription=An unsual Tuesday installment of The Audio Edtion. It's like Christmas... only better. On today's installment we cover:
1) The Audio Edition on MySpace
2) The new trailer for "Special"
3) The GREAT idea of free movie at AMC this summer
4) Staying after the credits for X-Men 3
5) We review The Da Vinci Code
6) The latest Superman Trailer... Does Doug think it's any better?
7) Kevin Spacey joins "Joe Claus". Best news of the week!
8) Would YOU pay to hear our Audio Commentaries on some DVDs (ie. Star Wars)?
All this and a few things more.
AudioDescription=Welcome to the week ending installment of The Audio Edition!~
Today we tackle such life changing topics as:
1) Unseen original Star Wars Footage
2) A new Stargate Movie in the works
3) New X-Men 3 stuff
4) New Superman Returns commercials
5) The insanity of Chris Tucker becoming the highest paid actor in film history
6) J Lo wanting out of Dallas
7) Miami Vice the Movie
All this and a few things more.
AudioDescription=Welcome to The Audio Edition. On this installment we discuss:
1) John Campea being AWOL due to unforeseen sexual irresponsibility.
2) Cheap WB Cd's in the Peoples Republic of China
3) Star Blazers Movie
4) Shoplifting
5) X Men Movie Poster
6) Star Wars 3D
All this and a few things more.
AudioDescription=On today's Audio Edition Doug and I shamlessly lobby for your Bloggies Awards nominations, we discuss a little bit of reflection action on Serenity the Movie, the news of the upcoming Borat movie in 2006, the success of Hostel and how damn cheap it was to make, the short list of Oscar hopfuls for Make Up, the Star Wars victory at the People's Choice Awards, the films opening this weekend (which looks like a weak one) and a few things more.
AudioDescription=Topcis covered in todays installment include my possible underestimating of how much Chicken Little may make at the box office and the fact taht Disney is probably watching the results with great interest since those very results may determine if they feel the need to buy Pixar, MTV having some confusion on if they think music stars should be in movies or not (the correcct answer is no), a new King Kong featurette online, the new Mel Gibson film Apocalypto, a new film based on Star Wars fans called "Fan Boy" and asking the question "What is a horror movie"? All this and a few things more.
AudioDescription=Today, Doug and I discuss the new films opening this weekend like Walace and Gromit, In Her Shoes, Waiting and Two For The Money. We take some time to talk about Serenity releasing the first 9 minutes online, and if this will become a trend for film marketing in the future. China making their own new DVD format, George Lucas not relaesing the ORIGINAL Star Wars trilogy on DVD and a few things more..
AudioDescription=This week on the Audio Edition Doug and I discuss some of the deeper more important issues in life. Deep important issues like the new Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. Issues that your father should talk to you about like the ludicrous decision to sact Lindsay Lohan in the upcoming Mission Impossible 3. Other major life issues like Will Ferrell in Kicking and Screaming, the stupidity of people who call anyone who doesn't like their favorite celebrity "just jealous", the fantastic news that Kelsey Grammer is going to be Beast in X-Men 3, the experience of watching a movie in a theater vs. watching one at home, and the Canadian Band Whoosh. Enjoy.
Title=Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Summary=Despite the odd cheesy moments, some poor acting and a complete disaster of a big pay off scene, the movie's actually close to the original Star Wars and doesn't feel like it came from the same stock as its prequels.
AudioDescription=Well, it's a little late getting out here... but finally here is the Audio Edition that we talk about my viewing of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. But that's not all folks... download this now... and as a bonus you'll receive our review of the new Kingdom of Heaven! Here's a sneak peak - Revenge of the Sith = Really Good. Kingdom of Heaven = Sucky.