Tsunami (2022) is a short film directed by Joel Shafer. The film stars Earl McWilliams and Franchesca Davis as its only cast members. This fifteen-minute film touches the topic of toxicity in marriages and lack of communication between married couples. ...
Jurassic Island Synopsis Ava uncovers the whereabouts of her missing Father on an uncharted Island; a mythical lost world uncovered before them by her grandfather. Joined by a group of adventurers and scientists, they arrive at Jurassic Island where it ...
Stronger by Stress Synopsis Leverage the science of stress adaptation and become more resilient in your everyday life in Stronger by Stress, coming this March from Gravitas Ventures. With conventional medicine struggling to keep up with our ever-increasing stress, biohackers show ...
The film and gaming industries are connected or intertwined in many ways. You can find game-themed movies such as football, basketball, and gambling-themed movies like poker. A perfect example is Casino Royale. On the other hand, you can find movie-inspired ...
Synopsis Warsha follows Mohammad, a Syrian migrant working as a crane operator in Beirut. One morning he volunteers to take on one of the tallest and notoriously most dangerous cranes in Lebanon. Away from everyone’s eyes, he is able to ...