First rule? I don’t talk about World War Z. The movie has been rumored to plagued with horrific production stories and even suffering the dreaded “re-shoot” germ that’s afflicted many films prior to the point that I didn’t have ...
This may be setting a record for the most posters for a Bradd Pitt film but who’s complaining? 3 more posters just made their debut this morning over at Vice and stick to the films independent roots with their style ...
I have a weird fascination with this “Killing Them Softly” movie. Sure I at least give a look to anything that has Brad Pitt’s name attached to it but then add James Gandolfini and new DVD-mob-guy-all-star Ray Liotta to the ...
The poster for the upcoming Bradd Pitt/James Gandolfini/Ray Liotta flick “Killing Them Softly” and showcases a menacing look for actor Brad Pitt. The poster made its official debut over on The Huffington Post so thanks to those guys for ...
I know I’m late on seeing “The Tree of Life” but I am glad that I waited. I’m just going to say it…this movie is TERRIBLE! There have been few films that I have seen that have actually brought me ...
I can’t pinpoint or give credit to a single thing in this film that’s maintained my attention over the recent months. Sure it’s a Bradd Pitt film and that alone at least deserves notice but there’s more to it ...
There’s a new teaser website for the upcoming Andrew Dominik film ‘Killing Them Softly’. It’s kinda neat if not a bit bare at the moment so they’ve dubbed it a ‘teaser website’ which I hope does not become a common ...