Seth Gordon’s Back in Action is an action-comedy that promises high-octane thrills and lighthearted family dynamics but struggles to deliver on either front. Starring Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, and a stellar supporting cast including Andrew Scott and Glenn Close, the ...
Synopsis: A married couple wake up to discover that the sex tape they made the evening before has gone missing, leading to a frantic search for its whereabouts. Just when you thought the 4th of July fireworks are ...
We all know that kind of movie that makes you laugh and cry at the same time. It may be a drama, or it may be a romantic comedy, which has love, pain and some really good jokes in ...
I’m not the biggest Jason Segal fan around but from time to time I think the guy is genuinely funny. Cameron Diaz on the other hand often impresses me just with her staying power rather than her comedic ...
I forgot to mention that that filming this movie you might have heard of literally across the street from my house. It’s both incredibly exciting and incredibly disappointing to learn a film crew will invade your neighborhood, altering traffic, ...
[springboard type=”video” id=”770305″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] This is the first trialer for Ridley Scott’s upcoming film starring Bradd Pitt, Michael Fassbender, Camerson Diaz, Penelope Cruz, and Javier Bardem. Beside the eyecatching cast the film is appealing because it’s ...
Penned by Pulizer Prize-winning author Cormac McCarthy (“No Country For Old Men”) and starring one of the best ensembles in recent memory — Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Javier Bardem, Rosie Perez and John Leguizamo ...
John Leguizamo is one of those actors that exploded when first introduced to audiences and then somewhat faded into the background of the course of the years. He didn’t fully fade into obscurity but he’s not on the same ...