I loved the first Captain America film. Darren did too. It was a period piece, it was a super hero movie, and it had Hugo Weaving as the villain… what wasn’t there to love? I immediately began my campaign ...
A week ago or so I came across some news that Frank Grillo was going to join the Cast of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and would possibly play Crossbones in the film. Since it wasn’t yet confirmed and ...
Hugo Weaving wants to follow in the footsteps of JGL in the “one-off” of comic book villain department according to an interview with Hugo Weaving. According to the interview it seems Weaving has had his fill of the superhero ...
You know I wondered what it would “feel” like post Avengers. Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor will all appear in sequels to their stand-alone films. What kind of tone will these movies have after the huge and life ...
MTV caught up with Chris Evans at the Toronto Film Festival and besides speaking about his film, “The Iceman,” they got him to talk about the next Captain America film. Watch below to see what he had to say. ...
Just when you thought it was safe and the only concern about seeing Chtauri on the big screen this year depended on the size of the TV in your living room. Well folks like your worst rodent it appears ...
I love DVD’s and BluRays. For the larger blockbuster films these little gems often include more insight into the filmmaking process than had been revealed prior with the upcoming home release for the Avengers being no excepting. We ...
I loved the Avengers. I thought there was room for improvement but in comparison to other comic book films The Avengers is a diamond in the rough. A well received performer in the film was Mark Ruffalo as doctor ...
Remember a while back we actually had a bootleg of the scene on the site? That shoddy stuff got pulled down faster than you can say “Infinity Gauntlet” but today, as we near the BluRay release of the film, ...
Remember at the end of the credits for the Avengers where they were all eating Shawarma? Didn’t stick around that long? Well they were there and that’s what they did after the credits… but you’re probably have the same ...
The Russo Brothers just got the attention of all the nerd-lings across the internet. They already had many of us thanks to their parts in producing and directing NBC’s ‘Community’ but have taken things to a super-solider level by ...