Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is a film that seeks to revitalize the iconic Transformers franchise by introducing new elements and expanding the universe created by Hasbro. Directed by Steven Caple Jr., the movie promises an epic battle between the ...
Donald Glover (“Atlanta”) along with Janine Nabers, is the creative force behind a new series called “Swarm.” The series is set in Houston, until it takes our heroine on the road to a variety of cities, seemingly summoning memories of ...
Donald Glover, the creative genius behind “Atlanta,” joins forces with Janine Nabers to bring us “Swarm,” a series that takes viewers on a journey from the vibrant streets of Houston to cities steeped in fan-inspired lore. This show immerses us ...
This show SWARM is a pretty raw and unfiltered kind of show. There’s a lot that happens in a little bit of time. As we’re introduced to Dre (Dominique Fishback)’’ we get to really dive into her personality. This young ...
Project Power is the newest film on Netflix starring Jamie Foxx, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Dominique Fishback. The film is about a former soldier who partners up with a cop and young student as they try to find the source of ...