Synopsis: A witch tasks a childless baker and his wife with procuring magical items from classic fairy tales to reverse the curse put on their family tree. (c) Imdb [springboard type=”video” id=”1289127″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] Christmas ...
A few set photos appeared online recently showcasing T.C. and Emily Blunt on set for the upcoming film “All You Need Is Kill” and give us a look at both actors in character. I have no idea what’s going ...
The rumor mill is spinning with the news that actress Emily Blunt is in the runnings for Joss Whedon’s planned sequel for The Avengers. The rumor started early this morning over at The Daily Mail with Blunt’s name being ...
Director: Rian Johnson Written by: Rian Johnson Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt Genre: Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller MPAA: R Synopsis: In 2072, when the mob wants to get rid of someone, the target is sent ...
Remember the other day I showed you guys that strikingly different poster for Looper and how it had some animated tie-in for the film? Well here’s that animated trailer to associate with the poster. I wanted to post this ...
Autumn is more of a traditional time of year where the serious films are released that either fizzle in their own hype or rise to Oscar glory. At TMB, I will cover the buzz of the award season and ...
The release date for “Looper,” starring Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, is approaching quickly. Just before this upcoming release, we get to view the international trailer which is packed with some key footage that we haven’t seen before. Take a ...
Seattle based director Lynn Shelton has a distinct yet traditional indie-style as a filmmaker. The award-winning director of 2009’s “Humpday” embraced the popular and emerging ‘mumblecore’ brand of younger, hip actors displaying gritty realism with sporadic improv. I spoke with ...