Thanks to an article over at MTV, we now have some confirmed facts about the sequel to “The Amazing Spider-Man.” Although there were a few of you Raimi loyalists, *cough* Anthony *cough* who hated on the film, I thought ...
Emma Stone is one of my favorite young actresses and I find myself impressed with most, if not all, of her recent performances including her appearance in this years “The Amazing Spider-Man”. Her portrayal of Gwen Stacy was unexpected ...
I know that most of this weeks’ focus is pointed directly at The Dark Knight Rises but I’d like to take another moment to look back and reflect on the Amazing Spiderman. I know we just had a conversation ...
can’t quite put my finger on it. This banner for Gangster Squad shouldn’t have as much attention from me as it does but it does. I don’t know if its the washed out colors, or the simplicity of just ...
I know you wonder what it is that we all do when not sitting here laying judgement on the hard labor of others. Well the answer is as obvious as it should be, we’re laboring hard for you guys ...
Gangster Squad. The movie has gotten some mixed reaction when we posted the first trailer way back when and now the film is back with another to try to steal your attention from the comic thingy going on this ...
Yesterday we took a look at some concept art for the Amazing Spider-Man and saw the alternatives for the costumer design of our favorite web slinger. Thankfully someone had sense enough to reject those. A few more concept art images ...
I’ve made no secret regarding my distaste for the costume used in The Amazing Spider-Man. I still think it was a pretty cruddy costume and left a lot to be desired but I’m developing a new found appreciation for the ...
Director: Marc Webb Writers: James Vanderbilt (screenplay), Alvin Sargent (screenplay) Stars: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, and Rhys Ifans Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy MPAA: Rated PG-13 Synopsis: Peter Parker searches for clues leading to his parents’ disappearance which in turn introduces ...
The Amazing Spider-Man managed to squeeze out a couple of new posters ahead of its release with one featuring the Lizard and the other showcasing my new desktop wallpaper and the dream movie poster I want hanging on my wall. ...
“The Amazing Spider-Man” is just about to be released and Andrew Garfield has already confirmed that he is interested in reprising his role for the sequel.This could be a film that puts Garfield in the blockbuster category for the ...
Out in the wilderness you can stumble across many unforseen things. Things you couldnt hope to have expected when walking out the door. Today is one of those days when some unsuspecting fan walked into the wilderness and came across ...