The third entry in the Sonic the Hedgehog film series, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, delivers an exhilarating and emotionally charged adventure that surpasses its predecessors in scope, character depth, and sheer entertainment value. Directed by Jeff Fowler and written by ...
Idris Elba, the charismatic British actor with roots in Sierra Leone and Ghana, is not just content with conquering Hollywood. This time, he’s setting his sights on the East African coast, specifically Zanzibar, to launch a film studio that could ...
The Paramount+ television miniseries Knuckles, a spin-off of the Sonic the Hedgehog film series, aims to bridge the gap between Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 with a unique narrative focus on the titular echidna. Starring Idris ...
Move over Hollywood, Nollywood’s got Idris Elba at the helm for a brand new short film called “Dust To Dreams“! This ain’t your average love story, though. We’re talkin’ about a mother-daughter reunion with a twist, set against the vibrant ...
Apple TV+ has exciting news for fans of the thrilling series “Hijack“! Apple is now announcing the upcoming season two of the hit show. Hijack Season 1 is an Apple TV series starring Idris Elba. Elba is internationally known for ...
Hijack on Apple TV+ ended its first season with a breathtaking finale. The finale concluded and wrapped up all the tense and riveting storylines with impeccable precision, creating a satisfying ending. What made the original series so interesting is its ...
Apple TV+ is seemingly firing on all cylinders these days. 2023 has seen some amazing new shows and movies, like Ted Lasso and Still. And there doesn’t seem to be any signs of slowing down or stopping. As proven by ...
The Suicide Squad movie was released in theaters and HBO Max in 2021 and became one of the better reviewed recent DC films. The movie went on to spawn a spinoff TV show starring John Cena in Peacemaker with James ...
I don’t often do this but I’m in an old-school mood. Some Netflix news hit the web recently that they’re teaming up with Idris Elba, among a whole bunch of other people, for new original programming! The word on the ...
Stephen King’s fantasy novel adaption has made it to the big screen, and the new debut stars the well accoladed cast of Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey. The Dark Tower is unlike most of Stephen Kings adapted movies, because unlike ...
I’m a big fan of movies with a talented ensemble casts with plot that interweaves multiple storylines into one. Well, 100 Streets is just that movie. Starring Idris Elba and Gemma Arterton as modern day Londoners whose lives interweave with ...
Synopsis: In a city of anthropomorphic animals, a fugitive con artist fox and a rookie bunny cop must work together to uncover a conspiracy. (Imdb) Over the last couple of years we’ve been treated to some really good animated movies ...