I wasn’t going to post this but I will just so Ryan can’t. Former Comic Book scribe Asim Ahmad got a surge of traffic and attention to his website and twitter feed lately because he announced that he had been ...
The rumor on the web right now is that Harry Osborn is also returning to the Spider-Man franchise. Now we may not get James Franco back in the role as he’s definitely team Raimi so the role is up ...
Jamie Foxx has been rumored to be in negotiations to portray the villain in the next Spider-Man film. There’s been no denial on anyone’s part that he’s campagining for the role and has now outright confirmed that it’s a ...
Remember way back when I really criticized the hell out of the costume worn by our Amazing Spider-Man but later learned it could have been worse? I guess I wasn’t the only one who saw room for improvement considering ...
Wearing an Electro costume for Halloween, Jamie Foxx tweeted the comment, “Costume fits well.” This led to the discovery that Foxx is in preliminary negotiations to be cast as Max Dillon AKA Electro in the next Spider-Man film. ...
Variety posted an exclusive not too long ago claiming that Mary Jane will be introduced in Marc Webb’s next installment into the Amazing Spider-Man franchise and the word is that actress Shailene (The Descendants) Woodley is vying for the ...
Thanks to an article over at MTV, we now have some confirmed facts about the sequel to “The Amazing Spider-Man.” Although there were a few of you Raimi loyalists, *cough* Anthony *cough* who hated on the film, I thought ...
The president of Columbia Pictures, Doug Belgrad, sat down with The Hollywood Reporter and revealed some interesting details about what’s in the works for Sony. There were many topics discussed such as a potential reboot of the film “Jumanji” ...
I know that most of this weeks’ focus is pointed directly at The Dark Knight Rises but I’d like to take another moment to look back and reflect on the Amazing Spiderman. I know we just had a conversation ...
That hypothetical question may become a reality sooner than some may think as the word is going around that Marc Webb might be a bit pre-occupied when time comes for a sequel. I’m not just blowing wind out ...
Yesterday we took a look at some concept art for the Amazing Spider-Man and saw the alternatives for the costumer design of our favorite web slinger. Thankfully someone had sense enough to reject those. A few more concept art images ...
I’ve made no secret regarding my distaste for the costume used in The Amazing Spider-Man. I still think it was a pretty cruddy costume and left a lot to be desired but I’m developing a new found appreciation for the ...