The Amazing Spider-Man managed to squeeze out a couple of new posters ahead of its release with one featuring the Lizard and the other showcasing my new desktop wallpaper and the dream movie poster I want hanging on my wall. ...
Out in the wilderness you can stumble across many unforseen things. Things you couldnt hope to have expected when walking out the door. Today is one of those days when some unsuspecting fan walked into the wilderness and came across ...
Peter Parker has a wicked sense of humor. Really wicked. If he didn’t have the morals that he’d developed over the years he’d probably be a little bit of a jerk but he does and with great power… forget that! ...
The Amazing Spider-Man has down the impossible and reserved a spot on the radar of summer 2012. Previously I looked passed this film entirely and relegated it as a ‘maybe’ in between The Avengers and the Dark Knight Rises. ...
Not a motion poster, which would have been cool promotion for this kinda film, but rather that is also decisively different. This latest poster for the film is without text and features a beautiful city skyline in the back ...