Source: Hero Complex
The first priority for the man with the ultimate say on what films get made at Warner Bros.: Finally getting the Justice League, DC’s team featuring all its top characters, on the big screen in 2013. The picture had been very close to production in late 2007 and early 2008, but was killed by the Writers Guild of America strike, tax credit issues in Australia, and concerns by some at Warner about presenting a competing (and conflicting) version of Batman while director Christopher Nolan’s films were breaking box office records.
Which immediately segways into the following statement.
We have the third Batman, but then we’ll have to reinvent Batman…Chris Nolan and [producing partner and wife] Emma Thomas will be producing it, so it will be a conversation with them about what the next phase is.
First and foremost we should acknowledge that these statements are picked out from a larger conversation so everything has to be taken with a grain of salt. With that out of the way I just have to say that I love what Nolan has done with Batman but on the other hand the franchise could be holding up a potential Justice League movie. I’m torn.
I would be ‘OK’ with rebooting reinventing Batman for film if Chris Nolan does not have any intent to return to the Batman franchise after his 3rd film, but if he does intend to continue to make Batman movies then… it puts these guys in an uncomfortable situation as they would have two iterations of the character in the film world simultaneously which could cause unwanted confusion for audiences.
I was happy when they scrapped their original plans for the Justice League movie and decided it was a bad idea as I didn’t want their terrible ideas ruining any potential for a franchise but if they can somehow manage to put together a good production team then I’d happily do a 180.