Justice League Movie wont tie-in

Surprisingly fast news is popping up online regarding the Justice League movie that was stated to be back on WB’s film schedule. Today we learn from director Zack Snyder that the referenced film for the JLA won’t tie into his Superman or Chris Nolan’s Batman.

Source: Comingsoon

It doesn’t [connect],” Snyder told the site on the red carpet for the London premiere of Sucker Punch, “Like what Chris Nolan is doing and what I’m doing with ‘Superman’, what they’ll do with ‘Justice League’ will be it’s own thing with its own Batman and own Superman. We’ll be over here with our movie and they’ll kinda get to do it twice, which is kind of cool.

This doesn’t surprise me as Christian Bale echoed similar statements the last time a JLA movie was entering production. I’ll have a hard time imagining how they intend to idiot proof the differences of the characters for the masses if this is how they truly proceed but this would allow for Chris Nolan and Zack Snyder to continue with the characters if they choose.

I honestly would really like for them to mimic Marvel’s approach to the Avengers in order to have a contained universe, but I understand the difficulties with the prospect considering their current situation with their properties.

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